The Boudicca Way Project

The Boudicca Way Project

The Boudicca Way Project is a long distance walking route in South Norfolk that meanders gently across the glorious British countryside for 36 miles between Diss and Norwich. As well as the long distance path this walking route also has many shorter circular walks so that you can really enjoy the area.

Norfolk Walks The Boudicca Way Walking Route

Norfolk Walks The Boudicca Way Walking Route

The Boudicca Way walking route has strong cultural links with the Romans and Iceni. Boudicca was the warrior Queen of the Iceni people and the footpath runs along the route of an old Roman Road. In fact, Caistor St Edmund Roman Town was once an administration centre for the Romans living in the area at the time. The countryside is rural, beautiful, unspoilt and is situated by the wonderful Waveney Valley.

Whilst walking this route you also walk through the Tasburgh Hill Fort, the Tivetshall St Mary Roman Villa site, Saxon buildings and Round Tower Norman Churches and also welcomes cyclists, bird watchers and walkers of all abilities.

All sections of the walk are well signposted and the walking route has recently received a major makeover thanks mainly to the community and small businesses who set up the Boudicca Way Project.The Boudicca Way Project has rennovated the walk and have built a new website that gives you everything you need to know about the long distance walks, smaller circular walks, how to plan your walking route and how to get there.

Click here for more information on The Boudicca Way.

Click here to view some more photographs of the The Boudicca Way.

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