Walks And Walking – Essex Walks Epping Forest Queen Elizabeths Hunting Lodge Walking Route

Walks And Walking – Essex Walks Epping Forest Queen Elizabeths Hunting Lodge Walking Route

This walking route in Epping Forest is just over 6 miles long and starts at the Queen Elizabeths Hunting Lodge in Chingford Green walking along The London Loop to Sewardstonebury, across the West Essex Golf Club to High Beach before heading back down the Green Ride to the Butlers retreat, Chingford.

I packed up my usual walking gear for a brisk walk in the Epping Forest area with standard walking clothes, walking trousers, walking boots,  jacket in my rucksack with a few walking essentials, mainly snacks and drinks.

Walks And Walking - Essex Walks - Epping Forest Walks - Queen Elizabeth's Hunting Lodge

Walks And Walking – Essex Walks – Epping Forest Walks – Queen Elizabeth’s Hunting Lodge

Walks And Walking - Essex Walks - Epping Forest Walks Queen Elizabeth's Hunting Lodge Original Version

Walks And Walking – Essex Walks – Epping Forest Walks Queen Elizabeth’s Hunting Lodge Original Version

Starting out from the car park opposite the Queen Elizabeths Hunting Lodge in Chingford I crossed the road and walked right passed Butler’s Retreat turning left on to the pathway where I then went left by the fountain to walk downhill to the area reserved for the long horn grazing cattle just outside Epping Forest. At the junction of paths I turned half right and followed the track along the left hand side of the open space and keeping to the white sign posts and to the forest.

I then kept to the western edge on the track with Bury Road on my left hand side where I then walked straight ahead to Sewardstonebury where I then turned elft to the road and then right along the No Through Road, Hornbeam Lane, with the forest on my right hand side. At the end of the houses I turned left to reach a stile with a footpath signpost and walked in to the West Essex Golf Club. I kept to the right hand side of the course until I reached the 14th tee where I then went right and then left leaving the course to a wide grassy path to a path alongside the right hand side of the field using the communications mast as a guide where the path then went right along a fenced path to Lippitts Road.

I then turned left at The Owl Inn and contiuned my walk passed The Elms Campground following the road round to the left passing Pipers Farm turning right at Danbury by the bridleway signpost for Mott Street. I then walked right and then left along a hedged pathway to a junction of tracks where I then turned right at the signpost for Mott Street following another hedged pathway to Pepper Alley and Mott Street. I then turned right passing the walls of Wallsgrove House walking left at the road and then right by the signpost for High Beach Church where I continued my walk along the road passed the church cemetery to a junction of roads on my left where I then walked down to the metal bar and track on my right. This is the Cetenary Walk, a wide gravel track that meanders gently through the forest and back to Chingford.

Walks And Walking - Essex Walks Epping Forest Queen Elizabeth's Hunting Lodge Walking Route - Centenary Walk

Walks And Walking – Essex Walks Epping Forest Queen Elizabeth’s Hunting Lodge Walking Route – Centenary Walk

I walked down Centernary Walk as it swings left and then right passing through an open space to a track junction keeping to the main pathway by turning right and then left passing Whitehouse Plain continuing my walk and keeping straight ahead at the next junction of pathways. I then walked left and then right as I rentered the cattle grazing area turning slightly right to the wide grassy path and the familiar white signposts to Butler’s retreat where I then turned left to the road and crossing to the car park on the right just over 2 hours later.

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