Walks And Walking – Kent Walks Folkestone White Horse Walking Route

Walks And Walking – Kent Walks Folkestone White Horse Walking Route

After a great nights sleep at the Southcliffe Hotel I awoke to torrential rain and the screech of seagulls. However, after breakfast the weather cleared and it actually turned out to be a rather glorious day for a walk in Kent. I sketched out a 10 mile walking route from Folkestone heading straight up to the North Downs joining a circular walk around the downs and back through Folkestone to get the train back to London.

Walks And Walking – Kent Walks Folkestone White Horse Walking Route Map

Walks And Walking – Kent Walks Folkestone White Horse Walking Route Map

From the hotel I walked right along The Leas turning right up Clifton Road where I then turned left along Sandgate Road past the Holy Trinity Church walking right up Earls Avenue turning left at the footpath on the bend of William Avenue around Cheriton Road Sports Ground following it left and then right in to Fairway Avenue walking right up Cherry Garden Avenue. I followed The Countryside signposts that read Follow The Kestrel To The Downs crossing over the A20 and M20 walking left to then follow the edge of the Eurotunnel railway tracks and fencing by the open gate and stile.

I walked along this track until it’s end where I then walked through the gate to continue my walk by the side of Ashford Road and underneath the railway lines and A20 emerging the other side where I turned right by the footpath signpost for the Elham Valley Way. I then walked left at the next Elham Valley Way signpost to join School Lane walking right up Newington Road turning right through the gate signposted the Elham Valley Way to walk up parallel to the road turning right to follow the pathway all the way until a gate and stile in to the “corridors to the countryside”. I know it’s only a gate but I thought this really signified a traditional Great British landscape of lush green countryside, no wonder they call it the Garden of England!

Walks And Walking - Kent Walks Folkestone White Horse Walking Route - Garden Of England

Walks And Walking – Kent Walks Folkestone White Horse Walking Route – Garden Of England

Walks And Walking - Kent Walks Folkestone White Horse Walking Route - Looking to the Folkestone White Horse

Walks And Walking – Kent Walks Folkestone White Horse Walking Route – Looking to the Folkestone White Horse

I walked through the gate and cut across the field to find a stile to Hill Lane walking right to Danton Lane all the way to a Crete Road West where I caught my first glimpse of the White Horse. Now I really had the sense of being in the Kent countryside and looked forward to the rest of the walk with anticipation. I continued along the road until I found a right hand turn in to the North Downs Way turning left and then crossing above the White Horse where I then looked back to see it. At the end of Crete Road West I walked right in to Castle Hill following the North Downs Way Folkestone (A260) 1 Mile signpost walking left around Castle Hill, Caesar’s Camp Ring and Baileys, which offered great 360 degree views over Folkestone and Kent.

Walks And Walking - Kent Walks Folkestone White Horse Walking Route - Folkestone White Horse

Walks And Walking – Kent Walks Folkestone White Horse Walking Route – Folkestone White Horse

Walks And Walking - Kent Walks Folkestone White Horse Walking Route - Caesar's Camp

Walks And Walking – Kent Walks Folkestone White Horse Walking Route – Caesar’s Camp

I continued my walk back up to rejoin Crete Road West where I spotted a track before the road on my right hand side heading down the side of Sugarloaf Hill. I then followed the steps all the way down following the main track to a gate where I walked right and then straight across to Churchill Avenue where I walked right before turning left down a track behind the buildings of an industrial area. I then checked the trains times to see there was a London train in 36 minutes, I checked my distance to the train station and it said the station was 30 minutes away. I upped my pace turning left on to Park Farm Road following it round to the right all the way down to join Radnor Park Road where I climbed uphill to the roundabout by the entrance of Folkestone Central Railway Station with 10 minutes to spare! This walk covered 10 miles taking me 3.5 hours, it’s a great walk and I really look forward to more walks in Kent.

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