Epping Forest Walk – A Spring Time Stroll From Chingford

Epping Forest Walk – A Spring Time Stroll From Chingford

Another beautiful Spring morning so we decided to take Tedi up to Chingford for a 2 hour stroll covering about 6 miles around Epping Forest to test out our new child carrier. I would definitely recommend buying a Little Life Child Carrier.

I made a very short and quite amusing video of our Epping Forest Walk.

Tedi and Dad April 2011

Tedi and Dad April 2011

It’s the first time we had used the child carrier properly and I was really surprised how comfortable it was, it really distributes the wieght (not that there is a lot of Tedi at the moment!) but I can see how it will work when he gets older. Tedi seemed to enjoy the ride and we got got loads of nice looks from everyone and a few lovely remarks too.

We parked the car close to The Royal Forest Brewer Fayre pub and walked across the fields and up in to the forest. There are a myriad of pathways and walks you can do in Epping so it was just a case of walking around with all the other walkers criss crossing each other.

Tedi Enjoying The Child Carrier

Tedi Enjoying The Child Carrier

About an hour later Tedi was fast asleep with the Little Life Traveller giving his head plenty of support on the detachable cushion. We made our way as far as the “Bikers Cafe” where there were about 50 or so bikers parked up, enjoying tea and sausage baps admiring each others motorbikes.It was here that we discovered the new Epping Bus Service!

Epping Bus Service April 2011

Epping Bus Service April 2011

We then made our way back to the car and came back home for a sunday roast and enjoyed the rest of the day’s warm spring weather. I’m really looking forward to getting back out there again with Tedi strapped to my back in his child carrier!!