Walks And Walking – Suffolk Walks Stoke by Nayland Arger Fen Walking Route

Walks And Walking – Suffolk Walks Stoke by Nayland Arger Fen Walking Route

This was my second Suffolk walk whilst staying at the Stoke by Nayland Country Lodges following my earlier walk to Stoke by Nayland Church and covers 7 miles of wonderful Constable Country which took me 2 hours to complete.

Walks And Walking - Suffolk Walks Stoke by Nayland Arger Fen Walking Route Map

Walks And Walking – Suffolk Walks Stoke by Nayland Arger Fen Walking Route Map

From the country lodges I made my way towards the main hotel and spa turning left just after the Unloading area for Fisherman sign and turning left just passed the white walls to the area of rough ground.

I then walked parallel to the lake ignoring the first footpath signpost on my left hand side walking left at the big gap passing the next signpost to then head up and across the golf course following all of the waymakers to the lane where I turned right and walked all the way down to the end.

I then turned right on to the road signposted to Sudbury crossing the road and walking left at the first footpath signpost to Royston Wood where I followed the waymakers all the way along by the side of the houses to the next two footpath signposts before entering farmland and a field full of donkeys.

Walks And Walking - Suffolk Walks Stoke by Nayland Arger Fen Walking Route - Royston Wood

Walks And Walking – Suffolk Walks Stoke by Nayland Arger Fen Walking Route – Royston Wood

Walks And Walking - Suffolk Walks Stoke by Nayland Arger Fen Walking Route - Autumn Lined Path

Walks And Walking – Suffolk Walks Stoke by Nayland Arger Fen Walking Route – Autumn Lined Path

I continued my walk along the main walking route along a beautiful Autumn lined pathway walking right across a small wooden footbridge turning left by the signpost to walk around the edge of the field to the next signpost which entered Arger Fen and Spouse’s Vale Nature Reserve. I followed the main walking route in to Arger Fen turning right across the bridge along the duck-board to then leave Arger Fen and Spouse’s Vale Nature Reserve turning left at the next footpath signpost on to the lane where I then walked all the way down to the ford.

Walks And Walking - Suffolk Walks Stoke by Nayland Arger Fen Walking Route - Ford

Walks And Walking – Suffolk Walks Stoke by Nayland Arger Fen Walking Route – Ford

Walks And Walking - Suffolk Walks Stoke by Nayland Arger Fen Walking Route - Constable Country

Walks And Walking – Suffolk Walks Stoke by Nayland Arger Fen Walking Route – Constable Country

As I walked uphill there were magnificent views across Constable Country. I continued my walk along the lane turning left at the Byway signpost by the tree where I continued my walk turning left at the lane signposted to Leavenheath, keeping straight ahead before joining Cawley Road.

I crossed straight over the road down the next lane turning walking right down the A134 on the wide grassy verge before turning left just passed the road sign to the next Bridleway signpost where I turned left to walk straight across the field to the gate.

I continued straight ahead on the main walking route through several gates back to the lane from earlier. I then retraced my steps back across the golf course turning right at the signpost across the rough ground to the fishermen sign where I looked across the lake on my left hand side and took one last photograph.

Walks And Walking - Suffolk Walks Stoke by Nayland Arger Fen Walking Route - Lake at Stoke By Nayland Country Lodges

Walks And Walking – Suffolk Walks Stoke by Nayland Arger Fen Walking Route – Lake at Stoke By Nayland Country Lodges

I then walked back up to the lodge and joined Mary where Mary had been relaxing with a good book. I then got changed and we went back up to the Stoke by Nayland Hotel for a delicious Afternoon Tea.

Walks And Walking – Suffolk Walks Stoke by Nayland Church Walking Route

Walks And Walking – Suffolk Walks Stoke by Nayland Church Walking Route

Mary and I were booked in to the Stoke by Nayland Country Lodges and the general plan was for me to go out and sample the Suffolk walks available in Constable Country, that I had heard such great things about, whilst she indulged herself in some beauty treatments and a visit to the Stoke by Nayland Hotel and Spa.

We awoke to an amazing morning, clear blue skies and a nice clean crisp chill in the air, perfect walking weather for this time of the year so I mapped out a circular walking route that covered about 5 miles which would take me about 2 hours to complete.

Walks And Walking - Suffolk Walks Stoke by Nayland Church Walking Route Map

Walks And Walking – Suffolk Walks Stoke by Nayland Church Walking Route Map

Walks And Walking - Suffolk Walks Stoke by Nayland Church Walking Route - One of the four lakes

Walks And Walking – Suffolk Walks Stoke by Nayland Church Walking Route – One of the four lakes

From the Stoke by Nayland Country Lodges I walked down the drive as if heading back to the main Stoke by Nayland Hotel with a beautiful view of the lake on my right hand side, passing the Unloading area for Fisherman sign and then turning left just passed the white walls.

I then walked across this rough ground with the lake on my left hand side slightly visible through the thin seam of woodland ignoring the first footpath signpost to turn left at the big gap passing the next footpath signpost to then head up and across the golf course. Over to my far left was a view of the Women’s Land Army Tower. I then continued my walk following the clearly marked walking route and waymakers all the way up to the lane. I crossed over the lane and continued down the lane straight ahead, following it as it bent round to the left through houses and orchards following all the footpath and bridleway signposts heading to Beacham’s Farm.

I then joined the Stour Valley Path and St Edmund Way and continued my walk keeping to the clearly marked signposts to the next lane where I walked for a short while before turning right down the next track by the footpath signpost to the wood stacks where I walked left up through the gap continuing to follow the St Edmund Way signposts with Stoke by Nayland church coming in to full view.

Walks And Walking - Suffolk Walks Stoke by Nayland Church Walking Route - Stoke by Nayland Church

Walks And Walking – Suffolk Walks Stoke by Nayland Church Walking Route – Stoke by Nayland Church

As I walked up the wide grassy path to the church this is where I really got the feeling I was in Constable Country. The sky was clear blue and the views were spectacular so I made a short video of the 360 view.

I then walked up to the Stoke by Nayland church, which has been painted twice by Constable, passing the inviting signpost to Rowley Wood to the road by the amazing Tudor building to the path just to the right hand side of the Stoke by Nayland church to the back of St Mary’s Churchyard where I saw the church in all its glory.

Walks And Walking - Suffolk Walks Stoke by Nayland Church Walking Route - Stoke by Nayland Church Entrance

Walks And Walking – Suffolk Walks Stoke by Nayland Church Walking Route – Stoke by Nayland Church Entrance

I continued my walk straight ahead following the signpost to Hadleigh down the lane where I then turned left at the footpath signpost for St Edmund Way as it twisted and turned around the fields following the next 3 signposts to a metal gate and then on to cross over the stile by the wooden gate turning left to walk up the lane and then right up the track passing through the buildings on my right hand side to the end where I then walked left up the track between trees.

I then walked right when I reached the road walking passed the cross roads turning sharp left at the next turning up the lane taking me back to the entrance of the golf course I had walked across earlier passing the Stoke by Nayland Country Lodges and Tower on my right hand side.

Walks And Walking - Suffolk Walks Stoke by Nayland Church Walking Route - Luxury Country Lodge

Walks And Walking – Suffolk Walks Stoke by Nayland Church Walking Route – Luxury Country Lodge

I then retraced my steps all the way back to the lodge  for a brief rest and some lunch that Mary had kindly prepared for me. Whilst out on my walk Mary had popped over to the Stoke by Nayland Spa for a nice swim, sauna and jacuzzi topped off with a relaxing massage so she was in a wonderful mood and happy for me to pop off for my next walk.