Walks And Walking – Essex Walks Epping Forest Holly Trail Walking Route

Walks And Walking – Essex Walks Epping Forest The Holly Trail Walking Route

This walking route is another classic family walk in Epping Forest starting in Bury Road Car Park Chingford covering well maintained tracks and bridleways. Although the The Holly Trail signpost says it is 1.5 miles my ViewRanger said the total distance covered was 2.65 miles which took me an hour to complete.

Walks And Walking - Essex Walks Epping Forest Holly Trail Walking Route

Walks And Walking – Essex Walks Epping Forest Holly Trail Walking Route

Walks And Walking - Essex Walks Epping Forest Holly Trail Walking Route - The Holly Trail Signpost

Walks And Walking – Essex Walks Epping Forest Holly Trail Walking Route – The Holly Trail Signpost

Walks And Walking - Essex Walks Epping Forest Holly Trail Walking Route - Holly and Trail

Walks And Walking – Essex Walks Epping Forest Holly Trail Walking Route – Holly and Trail

At the Bury Road car park I easily found the distinctive The Holly Trail signpost so turned left to start the walk keeping slightly right at the metal barrier to the first dark green arrow waymarker that are found at every corner and crossing making this an easy walking route to follow through Epping Forest. I then walked straight ahead passed the next 2 waymarkers before turning right at the next waymarker just before the houses and then turning right at the next waymarker where I spotted a rather palatial bivouac on my left hand side.

Walks And Walking - Essex Walks Epping Forest Holly Trail Walking Route - Bivouac

Walks And Walking – Essex Walks Epping Forest Holly Trail Walking Route – Bivouac

As the path  forked I kept right at the next waymarker where I saw a Kestrel fly out of the ditch with a mouse between its talons. I then walked left at the next waymarker and at the next waymarker I turned right by The Holly Trail signpost to Chingford Plain where I then kept right at the next waymarker with the car park back in view. As I walked down to the gravel pathway I noticed an old Cattle Drinking Trough on my right hand side and all too soon my walk was over as I returned to my car.

Walks And Walking - Essex Walks Epping Forest Holly Trail Walking Route - Cattle Drinking Trough

Walks And Walking – Essex Walks Epping Forest Holly Trail Walking Route – Cattle Drinking Trough