Walks And Walking – Cornwall Walks and the South West Coastal Path

Walks And Walking – Cornwall Walks and the South West Coastal Path

Cornwall walks is a selection of walking routes I have completed in the county of Cornwall. The main areas covered include walks in St Ives, Cape Cornwall, Lands End, South West Coastal Path, Bodmin Moor, Polruan, Polperro, Looe, Fowey, Chun Quoit, Sydney Cove and other areas of the Cornish countryside and coastline. Cornwall walking routes cover farmland, steep valleys, hard hill climbs, coastal walks, ancient moorlands and short woodland walks.

Walks And Walking - Cornwall Walks and the South West Coastal Path Walking Routes

Walks And Walking - Cornwall Walks and the South West Coastal Path Walking Routes

Walking in Cornwall is suitable for most walkers of any ability but there are some very rough tracks and rocky climbs and often requires sensible walking accessories, like walking poles or a full rucksack of outdoor gear, specialist trekking clothes and camping equipment, as you are not always close to public transport and have to wait considerable time for buses and trains.

Cornwall walks, especially the South West Coastal Path, requires quality technical walking clothes and a sensible pair of walking boots or walking shoes are always recommended where there are many threats to a thoroughly enjoyable walk with unsteady surfaces and occasional potholes in the ground or muddy pathways on the cliff edges.

Cornwall was once one of the pivotal mining areas in the whole of Europe up until the 19th Century. This was due to its outstanding granite that intruded over millions of years into the surrounding softer sedimentary rocks resulting in metamorphism and mineralisation of the rocks. Carn Brea and Bodmin Moor are fine examples of metamorphism and mineralisation and the granite intrusion into the surrounding sedimentary rock formations.

The north coast is more exposed to the prevailing winds from the Atlantic Ocean than the south coast which is more rugged, with sheer cliffs and steep valleys. The south coast is more sheltered and is interrupted by many rias providing deep water harbours. Even more interesting is the area known as The Lizard Peninsula. This is an area of rocks which is known as an ophiolite. This is a section of the Earth’s oceanic crust and the underlying upper mantle that has been uplifted and exposed above sea level and often emplaced onto continental crustal rocks. It’s also the place for a fantastic walk along the South West Coastal Path.

What also makes Cornwall such a great place to go walking is its temperate Oceanic climate and has the mildest and sunniest climate in the United Kingdom, as a result of its southerly latitude and the influence of the Gulf Stream. Winters are amongst the warmest in the country due to the southerly latitude and moderating effects of the warm ocean currents, and frost and snow are very rare at the coast and are also rare in the central upland areas as well.

Summers are however not as warm as other areas in southern England. Due to the proximity to the sea also makes Cornwall’s weather relatively changeable.
Cornwall is one of the sunniest areas in the UK, with over 1541 hours of sunshine per year. The moist, mild air coming from the south west brings higher amounts of rainfall than eastern Great Britain, however not as much as more northern areas of the west coast.

The Gulf Stream, bringing warm air from the Caribbean north-east toward Europe, makes Cornwall’s weather a lot milder than other places in the world at the same latitude. Also due to the Gulf Stream, Cornwall has the UK’s only area of sub-tropical climate.

Walks And Walking – Lands End Cornwall South West Coastal Path Walking Route

Walks And Walking – Lands End Cornwall South West Coastal Path Walking Route

Although we were disappointed they take the Land’s End sign down out of hours it didn’t put a dampener on our walk, although it wasn’t very good walking weather as it was quite windy and drizzly. Still the South West Coastal Path (SWC Path) walking route in Cornwall always throws up some great treats and offer some inspiring walking routes. In a way the wind and rain clears the mind as you walk this beautiful landscape.

Walks And Walking - Cornwall Walks - Land's End Walking Route - Kestrel

Walks And Walking - Cornwall Walks - Land's End Walking Route - Kestrel

Having braved walking shorts again, I only really do it to see the expressions on people’s faces when they see me and think “Is he mad?!” Stowing my waterproof jacket in my rucksack we set off maps in hand to cover about 8 miles and taking us an expected 3 or 4 hours in my favourite walking boots.

Walks And Walking - Cornwall Walks - Land's End Walking Route

Walks And Walking - Cornwall Walks - Land's End Walking Route

Starting from the Land’s End famous sign at about 9am we headed North to find the broad SWC Path with the Gamper on our left up to Maen Castle Fort and then on to Pedn-men-du. Heading upwards to The Tribbens with Cowloe slightly out to sea we could just about make out some sealions by the rocks which was a delight. following the path we then turned right to head down through houses to the beach at Whitesand Bay to find a large group of surfers waiting patiently for some waves.

Following the sand banks and dunes we walked the whole of the beach passing Escalls and Trevedra cliffs up to Aire Point where we headed up Gurland Cliff to join the pathway which was now starting to lead us back towards Land’s End but more inland than coastal. Being careful not to follow the pathways leading back to the beach we stuck to our course to join a track leading past the camp site at Trevedra Farm which then started to bend round to the left and off course. Here we turned right to stay on the top of the cliff edge to Carn Towan and Near Mayon Green.

We then rejoined part of the SWC Path we had already walked in to the houses overlooking the beach and then back up the hill taking the second pathway turning on our left past the hotel leading us to the beginning of a minor road where we turned right to follow the pathway parallel to the wide track, again always keeping to the top of Mayon Cliff which then led us straight back to Land’s End where the sign had been installed and a queue of tourist prepared to pay £15 for a photograph were waiting.

We then drove out of the car park to The First and Last Inn, Sennen, Lands End, Cornwall for a few local ales which went down a treat.

More photographs from this walk can be found here: Land’s End Walking Route