Walks And Walking in Wales – Mount Snowdon

Walks And Walking in Wales – Mount Snowdon

Mount Snowdon is situated in the Snowdonia National Park of North Wales and is certainly a mountain that is accessible but can also be very demanding. It offers truly entertaining and enjoyable walks and walking routes for the family and the adventurer.

Mount Snowdon in Snowdonia National Park North Wales

Mount Snowdon in Snowdonia National Park North Wales

Perhaps the best approach to see Mount Snowdon is from the Telford old road from Shrewsbury to Holyhead where it turns at Capel Curig. On a clear day you can celebrate the serrated line of beautiful peaks coming in to view along the skyline with Mount Snowdon sat in the centre as the king of them all.

From Llanberis, one of the most traditional and steady walking routes to the top of Mount Snowdon, its peak rises behind the mountain range, almost hidden by the Crib y Ddysgle. Llanberis is also where you can find the famous Mount Snowdon Railway.

There are five main rocky ridges that radiate from Mount Snowdon and between them five deep cwms, Welsh valleys, which add a formidable aspect to each approach to the summit. Once the lush green valley’s are left behind the ascent of Mount Snowdon can be unforgiving if you do not follow the traditional walks and walking routes as you climb steadily upwards.

Although barren, the wildness and silence offers a breathtaking experience with the many lakes and small streams running through the heather and down through the mountains to the cwms below. From the summit the views are spectacular, as you would expect, and it does not let you down in terms of the time spent planning the trip, mapping the walking routes, purchasing the correct equipment, breaking in your walking boots and buying those extra thermal layers.

Mount Snowdon won’t let you down but can be your downfall so make sure you are prepared for any eventuality as there are many grim ridges and hollows for the inexperienced hiker to get caught out.

Yr Wyddfa, the Welsh name for Snowdon, translated means “the great mound” or “the great tomb” due to the legend of Rhita Fawr who was reputed to be buried somewhere on Mount Snowdon.

The legend began when there were only two kings in Britain; Nynniaw and Peibiaw who declared war on each other. When the king of Wales, one Rhita Fawr, heard of this war he decided to end it promptly by attacking them both. Such was the outrage from the rest of Britain that they declared war on Rhita Fawr but emerged victorious cutting off all of their beards to make a cloak reaching down from his shoulders to the floor. Rhita Fawr was eager to add King Arthur’s beard to his cloak but was defeated and subsequently buried under a cairn of stones on the summit of Mount Snowdon marking the end of his legend.

Mount Snowdon has seven main and well marked walking routes up to its summit. The Snowdon Mountain Railway offers the easier way to the top, the Llanberis Path offering the most gradual ascent and the Horseshoe Walk is perhaps the most famous. The Snowdon Ranger Path is an easy and pleasant walk being slightly shorter than the Llanberis Path. The Beddgelert-Rhyd-Ddu Path has two starting points with very steep walks, sheer drops and corkscrewing pathways. The Watkins Path takes you through one of the great cwms before rising to a rough scramble to the top. The PIG Track, or PYG Track, offers a varied walking route with less climbing than the others.

There are other walking routes and traverses available for the more experienced walker, trekkers, ramblers, hikers and climbers which broadens the overall appeal and popularity of the Snowdonia National Park.

Ordnance Survey Maps – Create Your Own Unique Walking Routes

Ordnance Survey Maps – Create Your Own Unique Walking Routes

For all of the latest offers please visit the Walks And Walking Shop

If, like me, you want to create your own unique walking routes without forking out on expensive GPS gadgets then buying new Ordnance Survey Maps for the area you want to cover is still the most popular choice. Personally, I really enjoy spreading a large map out on the floor and plotting each twist and turn to cover as many of the sites of historical importance of viewpoints of our Great British countryside.

Ordnance Survey Maps for Walks Walking Hiking Camping Trekking Coastal Walks Forest Walks Hill Walks Walking Routes

I’m sure I will succumb to a Personal Navigation GPS System eventually when my pocket allows but I’ve already got it on my smart phone for free and using other free online tools like Google Maps can still do part of the job and there are plenty of websites like this one that offer inspiring walking routes available to print for free.

When I used to print off walking routes from other websites I always used to get lost so I soon started buying the corresponding Ordnance Survey map for each area. Having an Ordnance Survey with you whilst walking means you can also stray off the walking route to find even more unexplored treasures… and then get back on track without getting even more lost!

Types of Ordnance Survey Maps

The two main Ordnance Survey Maps are the OS Explorer Map series and the OS Landranger Map series, with the OS Landranger Map series also coming with an Active Maps series and with the main differences being scale and detail.

1. OS Explorer Map Series

The OS Explorer Map Series is 4cm to 1km (2½ inches to 1 mile) scale and is the main stay used by many individuals and organisations involved in outdoor activities. It is the preferred choice for walkers, hikers, trekkers, climbers, mountain bikers, cyclists, horse riders and even water sports enthusiasts.

Every part of England, Scotland and Wales is covered by 403 maps that include National Trails, Recreational Paths, picnic areas, viewpoints and selected places of interest. In addition, there’s Rights of Way information for England and Wales.

2. OS Landranger Map Series

The OS Landranger Map Series is perfect for day trips and short breaks covering the whole of Great Britain with 204 detailed maps. Each map provides all the information you need to get to know the local area and main tracks and pathways etc.

More suitable for tourism there is still a good level of detail including places of interest, tourist information, picnic areas and camping sites, plus Rights of Way information for England and Wales.

3. OS Landranger Active Map Series

The OS Landranger Active Maps are tough, durable and weatherproof. They have exactly the same features as the more widely recognised OS Landranger series but with the addition of a lightweight protective plastic coating making them perfect for the UK’s interchangeable and often rainy or drizzly weather conditions.

These encapsulated maps will resist inclement weather and can be written on with washable ink, making it easy to highlight your favourite routes and then wipe them off when you return home.

And for those of you that are keen to experience a whole new world of online maps with Ordnance Survey Leisure’s getamap you can get an annual subscription.

NEW from Ordnance Survey –

Customise your map in just three easy steps

We now offer a brand new mapping service that gives you the opportunity to customise an OS Explorer Map or OS Landranger Map.

You might want to centre it on your house, the start of your favourite walk or even a mountain bike trail you’re heading off to at the weekend – anywhere in Great Britain!


Custom printed by OS just for you
Choose your maps centre anywhere in the country
Add your own titles, including the spine title
Order the map flat or folded
Choose from over 50 cover images
Tough and durable map paper
Fixed laminated cover on folded maps
Your custom made map from Ordnance Survey is made to the same high quality as a standard OS Explorer Map and OS Landranger Map.

You can benefit from a bespoke map displaying the area around your chosen location, and opt for an OS Explorer Map – Custom Made™ at 1:25,000 scale, or an OS Landranger Map – Custom Made™ at 1:50,000 scale. After all, it’s your adventure!

Walks and Walking – Welsh Cawl Recipe

Walks and Walking – Welsh Cawl Recipe

So, what has Welsh Cawl got to do with walks and walking in Wales?


What better than to finish a strenuous hill walk, a mountain peaks walk, a long forestry walk across the beautiful scenery of the Welsh Waterfalls in South Wales than a big bowl of Welsh Cawl, Cheese and Bread?


Except, of course, a few pints of the local ale!

We enjoyed a great week walking the Welsh countryside and had great experiences wrapped up in sensible walking clothes, walking boots and walking accessories.

We decided to have a sunday celebration today of our holiday in Wales a few weeks ago by cooking up some Cawl.

The ingredients are really simple but it’s the bread and cheese that really make the dish.

Welsh Cawl - Enjoying the recipe

Welsh Cawl - Enjoying the recipe

You will need:

2lb of Welsh Lamb (Shoulder or neck)

1lb Potatoes

3 Carrots

1 Swede

1 Parsnip

2 Large leeks

2 Celery sticks

1 Large bag of Parsley

Salt and Pepper

You need to:

Dice the meat, and all vegetables but save the leeks, celery and parsley.

Put it all in a big pot and simmer for 1 1/2 hours and then add the leeks, celery and parsley until 10 minutes before serving.

Cut the bread and cheese in to chunks and serve just like we did!!

The general idea is to keep adding water to make it in to a broth, eating the meat first and then moping the rest up with the bread and cheese.

Seriously, lovely.