Walks And Walking – Essex Walks Epping Forest Copped Hall Walking Route

Walks And Walking – Essex Walks Epping Forest Copped Hall Walking Route

It has been a while since I have been to Epping Forest and I thought a winter walk a few weeks ago would be a great treat before the springtime sets in. Most of my Epping Forest walks have lush green forestry photographs and videos so to see these ancient woodlands in there most bare state made for some interesting shots.

I packed fairly lightly for this walking route with the normal essentials in my rucksack, spare layer and waterproof jacket, water and snacks. I do not think my faithful walking boots have got much left in them so today was like saying goodbye to some very good friends with a sentimental walk in Epping Forest.

Essex Walks - Epping Forest - Strawberry Hill Pond

Essex Walks – Epping Forest – Strawberry Hill Pond

I got the Central Line to Loughton and made my way up to Nursery Road across the small car park to the path that led uphill to then cross an open glade called The Stubbles to then join a bridle path that I walked along to Strawberry Hill pond. I then turned right along the bridle path to continue walking to the next pond and small car parking area to then cross Earls Path Road.

Essex Walks - Epping Forest - Green Ride

Essex Walks – Epping Forest – Green Ride

I then continued along the Green Ride heading through the heart of Epping Forest to then join the Epping Forest Centenary Walk following the path as it winds its way up and down through the ancient woodlands to then cross the road at Golding’s Hill and Coppice Row. Shortly after I passed by the Ambresbury Banks earth embankments which are the faintest remains of an iron age rectangular, lowland plateau fort.

Essex Walks - Epping Forest - Bivouac Near Ambresbury Banks Fort

Essex Walks – Epping Forest – Bivouac Near Ambresbury Banks Fort

I then continued my walk to reach Bell Common where the path left the Green Ride and took the path off to the left that lead me down through a small woodland before opening up to the small cricket ground and pavilion. After the cricket pitch I joined a driveway that took me down to the B1393 Epping High Road.I then walked across the road and headed left along the pavement until just passed the last house taking the footpath leading me off to the right and down to a path running alongside the M25.

The path lead me down to a stile following the side of a field and then down to Griffin’s Wood. Copped Hall House was now in view on my left hand side and as I turned left at the edge of Griffin Wood I crossed a stile in to the grounds of Copped Hall Park. Copped Hall Park was originally a medieval hunting park and the landscape is dotted with fine parkland trees small woods and hedges with magnificent views.

Essex Walks - Epping Forest - Copped Hall House

Essex Walks – Epping Forest – Copped Hall House

I continued to follow this path and walked along by the side of the field to its end when it became a surfaced track leading around the Copped Hall House buildings and along the driveway past the front of the house where I then walked down to the bridge over the M25 and in to Warren Wood. I then walked along this path to reach the white gates that then headed down a footpath by the signpost turning right leading gently downhill parallel with the road at Crown Hill. Being careful not to miss the path on my left at Crown Hill by the house by a white post to path that I walked up to Woodridden Hill where I crossed the road to then join up with The Forest Way signpost.

I followed this path where I then walked across Claypit Hill and down to High Beech to then follow the track east by the Epping Forest Conservation Centre to then rejoin the Centenary Walk. I then walked up the path to my right up and down some short, sharp steep hills and on to cross the road and continue along the Centenary Walk before then taking the smaller path just off to the left of the car park to then join the road where I then took the path just off to the left again passed Fairmead Pond.

From here I continued down to the main A104 Epping New Road where I then crossed the road and continued my walk ahead past a small car park, ignoring paths off to the left and right to then follow this path through Epping Forest until it reached the T junction. I then walked to the left and back to Strawberry Pond turning right through The Stubbles, passed the car park and back down to Loughton Tube Station. This walk covered about 10 miles and took me just under 4 hours.

Oh, and my walking boots will live to walk another day!