Essex Walks – Epping Forest Fallow Deer Upshire Video

Essex Walks – Epping Forest Fallow Deer Upshire Video

This was more of a gentle stroll rather than a proper walking route. We made the quick drive up to Epping Forest and parked the car in Upshire walking through the woods in to the fields that surround the area known as The Selvage near to Copped Hall. We then followed the deer tracks through the woodland until Copped Hall came in to view and then found a group of about twenty of the Epping Forest Fallow Deers.

Essex Walks – Epping Forest Fallow Deer Upshire Video - Copped Hall

Essex Walks – Epping Forest Fallow Deer Upshire Video – Copped Hall

Essex Walks – Epping Forest Fallow Deer Upshire Video - Fallow Deers

Essex Walks – Epping Forest Fallow Deer Upshire Video – Fallow Deers

I just managed to get a short video of the deer before they wandered off, mainly due to Tedi shouting at them but we did manage to get fairly close. I have done quite a few walks in the Upshire and Copped Hall area but today was more about seeing how far Tedi could walk so I can start planning more adventures for him in Epping Forest again soon. He was able to walk for at least an hour before I had to pick him up and carry him the rest of the way and he really enjoyed it, especially the muddy puddles and streams.

Essex Walks – Epping Forest Fallow Deer Upshire Video

Essex Walks – Epping Forest Fallow Deer Upshire Video

Cornwall Walks – Bodmin Moor Rough Tor and Brown Willy Video

Walks And Walking - Cornwall Walks Bodmin Moor Rough Tor And Brown Willy Walking Route - On top of Rough Tor

Walks And Walking – Cornwall Walks Bodmin Moor Rough Tor And Brown Willy Walking Route – On top of Rough Tor

Walks And Walking – Cornwall Walks – Bodmin Moor Rough Tor and Brown Willy Video.

This video was taken on a 12 mile walking route across Bodmin Moor to Rough Tor and Brown Willy where the 360 degree view of the highest point in Cornwall was amazing. I have been to Bodmin Moor quite a few times with my Cornwall walks but had yet to try its highest peaks of Rough Tor and Brown Willy. This walking route took me from the village of Churchtown to Harpur’s Downs, up to Watergate and then across to the entrance of Rough Tor where I followed the main tracks all the way to Brown Willy and then on to King Arthur’s Hall before heading back to the village. The full walk can be found here Walks And Walking – Cornwall Walks Bodmin Moor Rough Tor And Brown Willy Walking Route.

Suffolk Walks – Stoke by Nayland Church Video

Walks And Walking - Suffolk Walks Stoke by Nayland Church Walking Route - Stoke by Nayland Church

Walks And Walking – Suffolk Walks Stoke by Nayland Church Walking Route – Stoke by Nayland Church

Walks And Walking – Suffolk Walks – Stoke by Nayland Church Video.

This video was taken on a 5 mile circular walking route from Stoke by Nayland country lodges to Stoke by Nayland Church. Just before reaching the church I look around to see wonderful 360 degree views of Suffolk’s Constable Country. The full article can be found here Walks And Walking – Suffolk Walks Stoke by Nayland Church Walking Route. For more walks in Constable Country check out our Suffolk Walks.

Hampshire Walks – Isle of Wight Bembridge Fort Video

Walks And Walking – Hampshire Walks – Isle of Wight Bembridge Fort Video

Walks And Walking – Hampshire Walks – Isle of Wight Bembridge Fort Video

Walks And Walking – Hampshire Walks – Isle of Wight Bembridge Fort Video.

This video was taken on an 18 miles or so Hampshire walk from Ryde Pier on the Isle of Wight to Bembridge Lifeboat Station via the impressive Bembridge Fort. The full article can be found here Walks And Walking – Hampshire Walks Isle of Wight Ryde Pier to Bembridge Lifeboat Walking Route.

Whilst on the Isle of Wight I also completed a second walk from Bembridge Lifeboat to Sandown by walking along the Isle of Wight Coastal Path visiting Whitecliff Bay and Bembridge Fort. The full article can be found here Walks And Walking – Hampshire Isle of Wight Walks Bembridge Fort Walking Route.

However my favourite walking route on the Isle of Wight was the Tennyson Trail from Carisbrooke Castle to The Needles and genuinely offers spectacular views across each side of the island covering 15 miles. The full article can be found here Walks And Walking – The Tennyson Trail Isle Of Wight Hampshire Walking Route

Wales Walks – Wales Coast Path Video

Wales And Walking - Wales Walks - Wales Coast Path Video - Cardigan Bay

Wales And Walking – Wales Walks – Wales Coast Path Video – Cardigan Bay

Wales Walks – Wales Coast Path Video.

Here is a cracking video of all 870 miles of the Wales Coast Path in a 5 minute video. The path will provide a continuous walking route around the whole of Wales, from the outskirts of Chester in the north to Chepstow in the south. Viewed from approximately 5000m high thanks to Google Earth.

The Wales Coast Path officially opens in May 2012 and will be as near to the coast as legally and physically practicable, whilst fully taking into account the needs of health and safety, land management and conservation to encourage and enable the public, both locals and visitors, to enjoy the coastline of Wales and walks in Wales. It also aims to encourage and enable more people to enjoy physical recreation at the coast, thus helping in efforts to become a fitter, healthier nation and to make coastal access a ‘flagship’ tourism product, thus bringing economic benefit to coastal communities.

Delivery of the project is coordinated by the Countryside Council for Wales and delivered on the ground by the local authorities through which it passes. Funding is coming from the European Union, Welsh Government and local authorities.

For more information keep checking the official website as there are details about the path with downloadable Wales Coast Path map PDFs from this site: Countryside Council for Wales


Wales Walks – Brecon Beacons Welsh Waterfalls Videos

Walks And Walking – Wales Walks – Brecon Beacons Welsh Waterfalls Videos.

Walks And Walking – Wales Walks – Brecon Beacons Waterfalls Videos - Sgwd yr Eira Waterfall

Walks And Walking – Wales Walks – Brecon Beacons Waterfalls Videos – Sgwd yr Eira Waterfall

Walking The Welsh Waterfalls, 8 Miles Hard Walking in the Brecon Beacons.

The first two videos were taken on an 8 mile circular Wales walk in the Brecon Beacons starting in Neath and the beginning of the walk at Clun Gwyn Farm and Bunkhouse, 3 miles up from Ystradfellte. There were an abundance of waterfalls on this walking route including Sgwd Clun-gwyn Waterfall and the Sgwd yr Eira Waterfall on the crystal clear waters of the Afon Melte River amongst the ancient woodlands. The first walking video shows the approach to the Sgwd yr Eira Waterfall and the second walking video is inside the Sgwd yr Eira Waterfall. The full walking route can be found here Walks and Walking: Walking The Welsh Waterfalls, 8 Miles Hard Walking in the Brecon Beacons.

Walking The Welsh Waterfalls, Henrhyd Falls, 10 Miles Hard Walking in the Brecon Beacons.

This video was taken on a 10 mile circular Wales walk in the Brecon Beacons starting in Neath and the village of Coelbren to Henrhyd Falls, the largest of the Welsh waterfalls in South Wales. This was an excellent walking route that included many of the best elements of the Brecon Beacons where we also crossed the Giant Stepping Stones near Craig-y-nos Country Park. The full walking route can be found here Walks and Walking: Henrhyd Falls; Walking The Welsh Waterfalls, 10 Miles Hard Walking in the Brecon Beacons

Hertfordshire Walks – Deacon Hill Video

Walks And Walking – Hertfordshire Walks – Deacon Hill Video

Walks And Walking – Hertfordshire Walks – Deacon Hill Video

Walks And Walking – Hertfordshire Walks – Deacon Hill Video.

This video was taken on a 7 mile circular Hertfordshire walk to Deacon Hill. The chalk downs in Hertfordshire offers excellent walking. This walking route includes a steep climb up to Deacon Hill for a wonderful view of the chalk downs and then tracks around beautiful green lanes and field paths. The full article can be found here Walks And Walking – Deacon Hill Hertfordshire Walking Route

Essex Walks – Epping Forest Bluebell Wood Video

Walks And Walking – Essex Walks – Epping Forest Bluebell Wood Video - Gilwell Park Entrance

Walks And Walking – Essex Walks – Epping Forest Bluebell Wood Video – Gilwell Park Entrance

Walks And Walking – Essex Walks – Epping Forest Bluebell Wood Video.

This video was taken on a 6 mile Essex walk in Epping Forest when we decided to try a circular walking route from Gilwell Park. Along the way we met some lady walkers who told us about a secret bluebell wood, so we did a quick detour, set my camera to video mode and had a good look around. The full article can be found here Walks and Walking: Epping Forest Walks In Gilwell Park

Somerset Walks – Selworthy Beacon Minehead Video

Walks And Walking – Somerset Walks - Selworthy Beacon Minehead Video

Walks And Walking – Somerset Walks – Selworthy Beacon Minehead Video

Walks And Walking – Somerset Walks – Selworthy Beacon Minehead Video.

These two videos were taken on a a good 18 miles or so circular walking route from Minehead. Firstly along the South West Coastal Path to Hurlstone Point and then back down through Lynch Combe, up along Selworthy Beacon, where we stopped to take this short video, and then following the top of the South West Coastal Path back to Minehead. The full article can be found here Walks And Walking – South West Coastal Path Walking Route from Minehead

Devon Walks – Watersmeet Waterfalls Videos

Walks And Walking – Devon Walks - Watersmeet Waterfalls Videos

Walks And Walking – Devon Walks – Watersmeet Waterfalls Videos

Walks And Walking – Devon Walks – Watersmeet Waterfalls Videos.

These two videos were taken on a 6 mile circular walking route in Devon at the famous Watersmeet Waterfalls. Watersmeet is very close to Lynton and Lynmouth in Devon where the East Lyn River is joined by Hoar Oak Water creating a scene of outstanding natural beauty and a real treat for any walker. I took plenty of photos and short videos of Watersmeet before setting off again for the rest of the walking route. The full article can be found here Walks And Walking – Devon Walks Watersmeet Waterfalls Walking Route