Essex Walks – Epping Forest Fallow Deers Quendon Hall Deer Park Video

Walks And Walking - Essex Walks – Epping Forest Fallow Deers - Quendon Hall Deer Park Video

Walks And Walking – Essex Walks – Epping Forest Fallow Deers – Quendon Hall Deer Park Video

Essex Walks – Epping Forest Fallow Deers Quendon Hall Deer Park Video.

Sitting just outside the boundaries of Epping Forest Quendon Hall Deer Park is the only remaining medieval deer park in Essex that still contains deers. We spent the day there for a family wedding and as the evening set in the deers came closer and closer to the walls of the garden so I did manage to get one or two really good photographs and this short video. The full article can be found here Walks And Walking – Quendon Hall Essex Deer Park

Walks And Walking – Quendon Hall Essex Deer Park

Walks And Walking – Quendon Hall Essex Deer Park

We were lucky enough to be invited to a wedding over Christmas at the Parklands Quendon Hall Essex.

Now, I would not normally post family wedding articles on this website but there was a large deer park amongst the woodland settings which was a real surprise and treat. I spent most of the day popping in and out of the building to try and get some really good photgraphs and a short video of the deers. As the evening set in the deers came closer and closer to the walls of the garden so I did manage to get one or two really good photographs.

Seeing deers so close up was great but I still much prefer trying to find wild deers in places like Epping Forest than in an enclosure, still, they had plenty of space to roam around and all looked very happy. As all the grown ups were getting ready for the wedding ceremony or chatting over drinks Tedi and I were out exploring and trying to get the best viewpoints.

Quendon Hall Essex Deer Park Stags

Quendon Hall Essex Deer Park Stags

Quendon Hall Essex Deer Park

Quendon Hall Essex Deer Park

Quendon Hall Essex Deer Park Stag Ancient Woodland

Quendon Hall Essex Deer Park Stag Ancient Woodland

Quendon Hall Essex Deer Park Stag

Quendon Hall Essex Deer Park Stag

About Quendon Hall

Quendon is thought to be named after an Old English translation of “Queen that owns the valley”. Quendon Hall deer park is the only remaining medieval deer park in Essex that still contains deers. Over the decades each family that has owned the original manor house and then the newly constructed Hall, I say newly but it was originally rebuilt within the enclosure in about 1645, maintained the estate and the deer population. It is a lovely well maintained set of buildings with plenty of grounds, elegant rooms with bathrooms almost as large as the bedrooms.