Wales Walks – Wales Coast Path Video

Wales And Walking - Wales Walks - Wales Coast Path Video - Cardigan Bay

Wales And Walking – Wales Walks – Wales Coast Path Video – Cardigan Bay

Wales Walks – Wales Coast Path Video.

Here is a cracking video of all 870 miles of the Wales Coast Path in a 5 minute video. The path will provide a continuous walking route around the whole of Wales, from the outskirts of Chester in the north to Chepstow in the south. Viewed from approximately 5000m high thanks to Google Earth.

The Wales Coast Path officially opens in May 2012 and will be as near to the coast as legally and physically practicable, whilst fully taking into account the needs of health and safety, land management and conservation to encourage and enable the public, both locals and visitors, to enjoy the coastline of Wales and walks in Wales. It also aims to encourage and enable more people to enjoy physical recreation at the coast, thus helping in efforts to become a fitter, healthier nation and to make coastal access a ‘flagship’ tourism product, thus bringing economic benefit to coastal communities.

Delivery of the project is coordinated by the Countryside Council for Wales and delivered on the ground by the local authorities through which it passes. Funding is coming from the European Union, Welsh Government and local authorities.

For more information keep checking the official website as there are details about the path with downloadable Wales Coast Path map PDFs from this site: Countryside Council for Wales